How did your education prepare you for your career - Reisverslag uit Valletta, Malta van amy verbeek - How did your education prepare you for your career - Reisverslag uit Valletta, Malta van amy verbeek -

How did your education prepare you for your career

Door: webmaster

Blijf op de hoogte en volg amy

26 Maart 2010 | Malta, Valletta

The classes that we had during the education prepared me for some part, because then it is only theory. We also cover many different aspects of the international business, so these are more of the basics when you compare them to a specialised course. This has on the other hand the advantage that in the end I know more aspects of international business than only one in specific, so I have a wider range of jobs I could apply for. I think the theory of unit 13 investigating recruitment and selection was really helpful, because in this unit we needed to put the theory into practise. First we needed to make all the documents for our own business and later on we needed to do interviews. This is a good preparation for my career, because especially with the interviews you need to think about it and prepare yourself for the questions. This was the same for the unit of starting a new business, because we needed to make use of the theory to develop our own business and later on we need to make a business plan. This showed me all the laws and regulations, competition and other aspects you need to consider when staring up a business.
The internships I have prepared me the most for my career, because theory and practise is not always the same. In the short periods I was in the companies I have learned a lot. This has also to do with that all the companies were different, so I gained experience in different sectors of the business. Also the international experiences where really helpful, because they show the differences in culture. International companies that do business with other countries need to adapt and these experiences have shown that to me.
Of course the education cannot prepare for everything in my career, because every company is different and it takes some time to adapt to it and get to know it. They have different systems and procedures. In one company they do it like this and in another company this can be a whole other way. This is something similar when you go to another country, this also takes some time to adapt to their culture. In the end I think we are prepared pretty good for our careers.

  • 29 Maart 2010 - 10:10

    E. Janssens:

    Well, I'm very curious to what you will be doing a year from now. How your career has developed and which steps you will have taken.

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