Weekly report: week 4 of the internship
Door: webmaster
Blijf op de hoogte en volg amy
03 Maart 2009 | Cyprus, Limasol
There were some new products that came in last week and I had put them into the computer. Then we printed a list with the products and the prices. Some of the products had a price and some of them did not have a price. So I put them in the office of Mister Stellios and then he will write the prices for every product. This time we had the prices of the products written on the paper. They need to be put into the computer as soon as possible. Because there were a lot of products I printed at the end a new list with the prices. In this way I can check if I had put all the priced correct into the computer. This was a good thing to do, because I made one mistake with a price of a product.
Sometimes the prices of products need to be changed, because when they buy the products and they need to pay more, the price also need to change. They had not changed the price in three years of some pans they have. We needed to print a price list and a list with prices the company paid the last time for the pans. Then we took the last price they paid and calculated the new sales price. There was a big difference mostly of ten euro’s. We put the prices into the computer and we needed to replace the pans. This is because they need new price labels and the old ones need to be taken off and if you take them off you see that there was another price label on there. So all new pans where put into the store, they got the new prices and the codes of the product on them. The old pans needed to be put in the storage. We will leave them there until there is no other pan there could be sold.
Christina explained me about the company. How they are working together and who is collaborating with who. She explained me the whole working scheme of the store. Now I know who is working where and who is working with each other. She also explained me about the companies A. Epiphaniou has, because they do not only have the store. They also have estates companies and industrial companies. With the different companies they have or Mister Andreas Epiphaniou and his brothers Phanos and Argyris Epiphaniou or they have Mister Andreas and his family working there.
06 Maart 2009 - 12:27
Master P:
jojo 4 sho
ait alright
inderdaad, maar amy...wassap? how you doing?
alles goed, heb je et een beetje naar je zin? ik hoop et wel. in ieder geval wel zoveel mogelijk genieten eej, je krijgt niet altijd de kans om naar Cyprus te gaan.
de groente -
09 Maart 2009 - 08:22
Amy Verbeek:
met mij gaat t goed hoor. tuurlijk heb ik t naar me zin. dat kan bijna niet anders met t lekkere zonnetje dat hier meestal elke dag schijnt.
en hoe zit t nou met jou deels buitenlandse stage dan?
de groente terug hè :D -
09 Maart 2009 - 12:28
Master P:
hoi hoi
fijn om te horen dat et goed gaat en dat je et naar je zin hebt. doet me deugd.
Dus strax als je weer in NL bent, dan ben je een halve neger? hoop et niet
mijn buitenlandse stage is nog steeds niet helemaal zeker. we wachten nog op een definitieve JA, dus.....
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