Weekly report: week 3 of the internship
Door: webmaster
Blijf op de hoogte en volg amy
22 Februari 2009 | Cyprus, Limasol
I did the dishes and cleaned a lot in the store this week. This is needed because it is very dusty in Limassol, so every day when I cleaned there was on some products a lot of dust. It is also not nice when the customers come in and have a look at tables, plates or other things that are in the store that these are covered in dust. It needs to look clean, so they can see the product and they would want to buy it. Because you do not want to buy a table that is covered in dust. At least I would not want that, then I would go to another store that is cleaned up.
When it was quiet we went to the professional kitchen equipment showroom, because they had told us we could make it nicer. They wanted a nice window display, to see what is in there and to attract customers. Upstairs in the storage room and showroom, we could also decorate it. There needed to be a buffet setting, because against the walls there are cabinets shaped like a L. There were also some tables, seats and a couch. They needed to be put in the room so that it would look nice. It was just set down in the room to not have it downstairs. We looked what was the best place to put everything and that it would not be too crowded with stuff and put it there.
There was a store in Nicosia that wanted to collaborate with A. Epiphaniou, because of that we needed to wrap some plates and stuff to send to the store. We wrapped some dinner sets and put them in boxes.
The computer program that the company works with is gets stuck a lot. So when that happens they need to write receipts and when the computer program is working again they can put it in the computer. On the receipts you need to put the code of the product, because otherwise you cannot put it in the computer. But sometimes it happens that customers want to buy a product and when you want to put it in the computer these is no code. This does not matter is you have the barcode or when the program is working, because then you can search for the product in the computer. But if the program is not working you cannot find the code. So Christina decided to make a list with all the products, the codes and the prices on brand names. She showed me how to print out the this data from the computer program and I made a start with printing out the papers. If the program is not working now they can still look up the code.
24 Februari 2009 - 09:30
Erik Janssens:
It seems that they keep you quite busy. They might want to keep you over there…
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